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Energy Healing

Energy Healing through Reiki and Chakra Balancing


Reiki is an ancient Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing by administering a “laying on hands” approach. It is made up of 2 Japanese words - Rei, which means “God’s Wisdom or Higher Power” and Ki which is “Life Force Energy”.  Essentially, Reiki is “spiritually guided life force energy”.  It is based on the premise that our life force energy flows through us to keep us alive.  If your life force energy is low, you are more likely to get sick or feel stress.  If it is high, you are more capable of being healthy and happy.  It is spiritual in nature, it is not a religion, and it promotes the importance of living and acting in harmony with others.  There is no dogma, nothing that you must believe in order to learn, receive, or use Reiki.

Receiving a Reiki treatment can feel like uplifting, relaxing, a feeling of being “lighter”, sometimes like a glowing radiance flows through and around you.  It is a holistic treatment including the body, mind, emotions, and spiritual that leaves you with the beneficial effects of relaxation, security, well-being, and peace.

It is a natural, simple, and safe method of self-improvement and spiritual healing that is accessible to everyone.  Reiki can work in conjunction with all other therapeutic or medical techniques to promote a healthy recovery.

The founder of the Reiki system of natural healing, Mikao Usui recommended the promotion of peace and harmony through a practice of certain simple ethical ideals, which are nearly universal across all cultures. These ideals were developed by Usui to instill the realization that healing your spirit through a conscious decision to improve yourself is a necessary part of the Reiki healing experience.  This does mean that when you receive Reiki, you must play an active role and accept responsibility for your healing.  The ideals are both guidelines for living a gracious life and morales worth practicing:

  • The secret art of inviting happiness
  • The miraculous medicine of all diseases
  • Just for today, do not anger
  • Do not worry and be filled with gratitude
  • Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.
  • Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.
  • Pray these words to your heart and chant these words with your mouth
  • Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind
  • The founder, Usui Mikao


Individual 45 minute Reiki Session - $75 

Signature Session - a blend of Reiki Healing, Chakra Balancing, and pressure point massage for 90 minutes - $125

One month of 4 weekly Individual Reiki Healing - $240

Sessions could be held at your home or at my space in Walled Lake, a session in your home would be an additional $15.


I would love to connect with you and participate in your healing process, please reach through my contact form or via email.

Chakra Balancing

What are Chakras?

There are seven chakras and chakras are energy centers of spiritual power in the human body where our life force energy flows.  It is important for the energy to be flowing freely in our chakras because when they are blocked, it can often lead to illness.  It is important to understand what each chakra represents as we begin to develop our self awareness and be active participants in our healing, health, and well-being. Our mental side is governed by the chakras located in our upper body while those located in the lower part of the body are our instinctual side.


Individual 45 minute Chakra Balancing Session - $75

Signature Session - a blend of Reiki Healing, Chakra Balancing, and pressure point massage for 90 minutes - $125

One month of 4 weekly Individual Chakra Balancing Sessions - $240

Sessions could be held at your home or at my space in Walled Lake, a session in your home would be an additional $15.


I would love to connect with you and participate in your healing process, please reach through my contact form or via email.

Sahasrara - Crown Chakra

Color: Purple

Represents: Our ability to be fully connected spiritually, wisdom, being one with the world. 

Location: At the top of your head. 

Out of Balance: Not aware of spirituality, rigid in your thinking, over-thinking, consider yourself better than others, or lacking a purpose in life, unloved, coordination difficulties, poor balance.

In Balance/Open: Very aware of the world, yourself, and your place in it, unprejudiced, great intuitive knowledge, very wise, selflessly devoted to well-being of others.

Here is a quick summary of the seven chakras: 

Ajna - Third Eye Chakra

Color: Indigo

Represents: Insight, our self image, imagination, ability to focus and see the big picture, ideas, wisdom, values, dreams, goals. 

Location: On our forehead between our eyes. 

Out of Balance: Not good at thinking for yourself, being rigid in your thinking, judgmental, unsympathetic, may get confused easily, may live too much in a fantasy world. 

In Balance/Open: Your intuition is good, you understand you create your own reality, able to visualize and may tend to fantasize, find learning easy. 


Vishudda - Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Represents: Our ability to communicate, self expression, our words, our creative expression in the world, where energy is transformed into our manifestations of the world around us, our truth. 

Location: base of the throat, in the V formed in the center of the collarbone. 

Out of Balance: Speaking too much, introverted, shy, not able to speak your truth, over-opinionated, critical, raising your voice, unable to express yourself leaving you coming across as unreliable, not being honest with yourself. 

In Balance:  Being creative, offering sound advice when asked, effective at expressing yourself, not afraid to ask for what you want out of life, ability to freely speak your truth. 

Anahata - Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Represents: our ability to love, joy, happiness, compassion, understanding, feeling completely at ease with yourself and others, full of yang (positive, active) energy, inner peace, connects the lower chakras to the higher ones. 

Location: Center of the chest just above the heart.

Out of Balance: Being ruled by your emotions - sadness, anger, grief, happiness, despair, greed will come over you without you having much control.  Fearful you won’t be accepted or liked by those around you, finding it hard to let go of those relationships that no longer serve your highest good, being negative, feeling unloved, unworthy, unappreciated.

In Balance: Feeling compassion for all living creatures, joyous, outgoing, understanding, caring, kind.  Understanding others, having no judgment or criticism and accepting people for who they are. 

Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra

Color : Yellow

Represents:  Will power, ability to achieve, self control, self confidence, self discipline, our feeling of intuition “gut feeling” and listening to this could benefit you immensely, all aspects of the digestive tract.

Location: just above the navel and below the rib cage.

Out of Balance: feeling timid or domineering, not getting what you want, being indecisive and passive or aggressive, judgmental or critical. 

In Balance: having a mental understanding of our emotional self, having complete control over your thoughts and emotions, self love and great appreciation for everyone in your life. 

Svadisthana - Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Represents: Our connection, ability to accept others and new experiences, about feeling and sexuality, the seat of our creativity, how we see ourselves in the world.

Location: Lower abdomen, just below the navel. 

Out of Balance: Mental, emotional or physical tension in your muscles, not being open to people, getting worked up when someone is late or plans don’t work out, being stiff or unemotional or being emotional all the time, emotionally attached to people, being very sexual.

In Balance: Feelings flow freely, expressing yourself without becoming over-emotional, open to intimacy, passionate and lively, a sense of abundance, great self confidence, have a great passion for life, experience day as a gift. 

Muladara - Root Chakra

Color: Red

Represents: Connection to our physical world, our foundation, feeling grounded, safe and secure with other people and ourselves.

Location: Base of the spine in the tailbone area.

Out of Balance: Feelings of fear, nervousness, materialistic, anger, annoyance, greedy, depressed, obsessed with being secure and resisting change, having issues with financial independence, money or food, feeling disconnected from the world around you.

In Balance: Feelings of security, stability, being grounded, present in the moment and connected to your physical body, daily tasks seem effortless, having no doubts about your place in the world and things will work for you.